Driftwood Decor

If you haven’t noticed, Kyle and I love wood.  We particularly love scavenged wood.  We live next to a gold mine of beaches full of character-rich wood here on the North Oregon Coast.  One of our family’s favorite past-times is beach combing for driftwood.  We have used many of our fantastic finds throughout our home.  They are decorative pieces, but they are also functional pieces.  I love decorative-function in a home.  Enjoy the below photos of our household decorative-functional driftwood pieces:


Driftwood staircase railing.

Post at the top of the stairs, often functioning as a wet towel hanger.

Post at the top of the stairs, often functioning as a wet towel hanger.

Driftwood cedar mantle above our wood stove. (pottery by Kyle)

Driftwood cedar mantle above our wood stove. (pottery by Kyle)


Driftwood cedar bar.

Driftwood cedar bar.



Driftwood over our gate on the side of our house.