I Love Tile

I am becoming a true tile lover.  In his business, Shelter Construction, my husband specializes in fine carpentry and tile work.  I get to see some very beautiful and artistic layouts.  I’ve seen… Continue reading

Reclaimed Wood Frames

I am married to an artist.  Not only in the fields of carpentry and tile, but as a potter and a painter as well.  We have his art pieces placed throughout our home. … Continue reading

Driftwood Decor

If you haven’t noticed, Kyle and I love wood.  We particularly love scavenged wood.  We live next to a gold mine of beaches full of character-rich wood here on the North Oregon Coast. … Continue reading

Natural Light

When we first began working on the interior of our remodel, we had the goal of filling it with exclusively re-used lights, windows and doors.  We did this with a fair amount of… Continue reading

Floors are for Feet

Right?  Our feet are the main recipients of the love that our floors have to offer.  So, given the fact that our feet aren’t usually the most discriminating parts of our bodies, why… Continue reading

Maple Slab Tables

Every winter we see a lot of trees come down here on the North Oregon Coast.  This very winter we experienced wind gusts of up to 90 mph during one storm.  Falling trees… Continue reading

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